Períodicos on-line / Índice de assunto
Acta Fisiátrica (full-text) (SSA) American Journal of Occupational Therapy (full-text) (SSA) American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (full-text) (SSA) American Journal of Sports Medicine, The (full-text) (FOR) (Assinatura cancelada em 2015) Aphasiology (full-text) (BSB) Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (full-text - ClinicalKey) (BSB) Augmentative and Alternative Communication (full-text) (BSB) Australian Journal of Physiotherapy (full- text free de 1955 a 2009) VER Journal of Physiotherapy BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation (full-text - SpringerLink) Brain and Language (full-text) (RIO) Clinical Biomechanics (full-text - ClinicalKey) (BSB) Clinical Rehabilitation (full-text) (BHZ) Clinics in Sports Medicine (full-text - ClinicalKey) Developmental Neurorehabilitation (full-text) (SLZ) Disability and Health Journal (full-text - ClinicalKey) Disability and Rehabilitation (full-text) (SLZ) Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology (full-text) (SLZ) Dysphagia (full-text) (BSB) Ergonomics (full-text) (SSA) (Assinatura cancelada em 2015) Environmental Health (full-text - SpringerLink) Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine (full-text - SpringerLink) Fisioterapia em Movimento (full-text) (BSB) Gait & Posture (full-text) (BSB) Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy (full-text- ClinicalKey) International Journal of Rehabilitation Research (full-text) (SSA) Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy (BHZ) (Assinatura cancelada em 2015) Journal of Biomechanics (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Electromyography and Kynesiology (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Hand Therapy (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (full-text) (SSA) Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (full-text - SpringerLink) Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation (BSB) VER Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology (full-text - SpringerLink) Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine (full-text) Journal of Physiotherapy (full-text) (BSB) Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics (full-text) (BSB) Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (full-text) (SLZ) Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport (full-text - ClinicalKey) Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine (full-text) (SSA) Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (full-text) Journal of Voice (full-text - ClinicalKey) Manual Therapy (full-text - ClinicalKey) Multiple Sclerosis Journal (full-text) (SSA) NeuroRehabilitation (full-text) (BSB) Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair (full-text) (SSA) Occupational Medicine (full-text) (BSB) Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (full-text) Paraplegia VER Spinal Cord Pediatric Physical Therapy (full-text) (BSB) Pediatric Rehabilitation VER Developmental Neurorehabilitation Performance Enhancement & Health (full-text - ClinicalKey) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America (full-text - ClinicalKey) (SSA) Physical Therapy (full-text) (SSA) Physical Therapy in Sport (full-text - ClinicalKey) Physiotherapy (full-text - ClinicalKey) (FOR) PM&R (full-text - ClinicalKey) PN (SSA) Prosthetics and Orthotics International (full-text) (BSB) Rehabilitación (full-text) (BSB) (Assinatura cancelada em 2015) Revista de Fisioterapia da USP (BSB) Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (full-text 1998 à 2000) VER Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Spinal Cord (full-text) Sports'n Spokes (SSA) (Assinatura cancelada em 2016) Stroke (full-text) (FOR) Topics in Language Disorders (full-text) (BSB) Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation (full-text) (FOR) Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation (full-text) (SSA)